Lumaxa offers several products for pain relief and wellness for both humans and pets(cats and dogs).
We offer high quality products and a business model that supports the independent entreperneur.
We offer high quality products and a business model that supports the independent entreperneur.
Highlights and features
- Pet Pain-Away
- Nyloxin
- X8 Discount Health Benefits
Pet Pain Away
Pet Pain-Away is believed to work by targeting receptors that are found in nerves outside the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and they are also found on cells of the immune system. Specialized proteins in Nyloxin block the action of acetylcholine, a major stimulating neurotransmitter in the nervous system and activator of the inflammatory pathways. As a result, the pain and inflammation pathways are temporarily shut off. In some clinical studies, our pain relieving products could provide prolonged chronic muscle and joint relief.
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