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All charges for services are due at the time of service. James River Equine Services accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX, cash or checks. We are happy to extend credit to established clients in good standing who have provided a credit card on file. All accounts over 90 days past due are automatically applied to the credit card on file. Finance charges do apply to past due balances over 30 days. For complete payment information, please contact our office.
Almost all vaccines given to horses are to prevent diseases that are "carried" to them by a flying insect or a carrier animal (vector), so it is more likely to be "delivered" when these vectors are active in warmer weather. As a general rule of thumb, if you are seeing flying insects, you have waited too long.
Reviews (2)
Stephanie S.
Nov 17, 2021
Marcia Landau
Feb 29, 2016